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|~~~~~ Happy Birthday! ~~~~~| 
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For table reservations, please 
send us an email
indicating the expected number of
people in your party and your 
preferred date and time. 

Please note that for Wednesdays 
through Saturdays, we do not reserve
tables after 8PM. Reservations are 
subject to availability, but we will 
do our best to find space 
wherever possible. 

There is no charge for 
table reservations.

We welcome celebratory pastries such as 
birthday cakes and cupcakes. If you wish to bring in food,
please email us to make arrangements ahead of time.

For private event inquiries, email us 
with a short description of your event 
including the expected number of people
and your preferred date and time.  

Our email address 
is brokenlandbar@gmail.com
(c) Broken Land 2018