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A neighborhood cocktail bar 105 Franklin Street
MON: 4pm-1am TUES-THURS: 2pm-1am FRI: 2pm-4am SAT: noon-4am SUN: noon-1am
Instagram: @brokenlandbar
>> WINTER 2025 MENU <<
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Table reservations are available daily
for groups of 4 or more!
(Smaller groups will have no problem finding
space as a walk in party)
Friday and Saturdays we limit the number of
reservations in order to keep plenty of space
available for walk in guests.
Please email us with your group size,
the date and the time you'd be arriving.
We cannot guarantee space in the
garden but will try if requested
Reservations are free of charge
Reservations carry a strict
15 minute grace period.
No outside food permitted.
No balloons or decorations permitted.
Same day reservations requests
must be sent before noon.
Group of more than 40 on weekends
must book a private party
Please email us at
to inquire or with questions
Private events require a
minimum of 4 hours to book and
generally work best for groups of 40+
If your group is smaller, we
recommend a large group reservation.
Please email us at
to inquire or with questions
This website was intentionally
made ASCII-only.
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(c) Broken Land 2024